Saturday, August 3, 2013

Terra Cotta Horses

While visiting the Bowers Museum last week, we came upon these terra cotta horses from the early Ming Dynasty. A couple of years ago this museum had an exhibit from China of the Terra Cotta Warriors and it was great! I did get this picture of these two terra cotta horses (there are three but one is hidden). The lighting wasn't great and there were some distractions in the photo (an exit sign and an electrical box) that I managed to eliminate. Thank you Photoshop Elements! Then I discovered this UK company that creates these effects "Actions" that work in Photoshop Elements or the full blown BigBoy Photoshop. From them I downloaded, FOR FREE, this amazing action that turned my horses into this beautiful photo with bends, shadows, frames and everything! The company is if there is anyone out there reading this who might be interested.

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