Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Balboa Park

It has been a most unusual winter here in Southern California. The temps have been in the mid to high 80s on many days and the sun shines almost all the time. We often think of our friends and family on the East Coast and their daily struggles with the unrelenting cold and snow. My sister lives in Michigan and doesn't think the snow will leave much before the end of April! My son works outside and often resembles the little kid who's mom puts so many winter clothes on him he's unable to move in the snow. And we think back to the last winter we lived in New Jersey and the hurricane that brushed us in the fall and the winter it was still snowing in March. We love California weather - well in the winter anyway. It the summer it can get a little warm (big understatement) here in the San Jacinto Valley.

Last Sunday we drove to San Diego and the beautiful Balboa Park. The park houses the San Diego Zoo as well as many diverse museums, gardens, paths and activities. There is even a building on the grounds titled "The Bridge Club" (I think that's the name). There is a huge lawn bowling area that has a big sign advertising free lessons. There is a beautiful rose garden. Let us not forget the dog park! There are musicians, dancers, painters, magicians and many other entertainers on the walk ways. I'm sure there is much more here to see and do. It's a great place to visit.

After the park we went to our favorite Italian restaurant in Little Italy and had a great dinner. All and all it was a fun day. Here are some photos of our great adventure.

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