Friday, May 1, 2015

Encinitas Garden Festival

We went off to visit the Encinitas Garden Festival on a sunny Saturday in April. Tickets are ordered well in advance for this one day event. None of the ticket holders know the locations for the gardens that will be visited that year. We jumped in the car and drove to a local college parking lot and were bussed to the chosen neighborhood. Upon arrival we were issued a wrist band and a map and sent on our merry way. We first visited all of the tents and vendors. Then it was off to see the gardens.

Our first stop was this little blue house with the amazing cacti in the front yard. We have a very little cactus like the pale green one in our back yard. Hopefully it will never grow this big!

And a short distance down the road was this giant guy with huge stickers all over it!

We were lead down many a garden path.....

At each stop we would meet up with this lovely dog and his red hat with paw prints on it. He was really the most well behaved creature at the festival. Never said a word, never cut in front of anyone, never got pushy! He just waited patiently for his master to return to the gate and move on to the next garden. 

It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky. The colors of the plats and flowers were outstanding. This was a well established neighborhood and many of these trees and plants were huge. The view under the palm tree was very pretty.

We visited some interesting homes and this was the most beautiful pool we saw. 

This was our favorite bike of the tour. 

And what better way to end the day than to meet up with an old friend at the end of the trail.

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