Saturday, July 27, 2013

An Introduction and Rain in SoCal

I've started this blog in an attempt to rid myself of the task of making slide shows and then notifying everyone and his brother that photos are available to see at Very tedious. So I thought it would be a good idea to choose what I wanted the world of family and friends to see and letting them visit this spot. This is a learning experience and whether it continues or not will depend on how much fun I have. At my age it's either fun or it isn't in my life!

When digital cameras first appeared on the scene I was fascinated. My first camera was a Sony 1.3 mega pixel and it still takes a decent picture and I still have it. My second digital camera now belongs to Bob and my third digital camera belongs to Jack, my grandson. What I have now, and dearly love, is a Canon EOS T2i. I never leave home without it.

In addition to loving my T2i, I also love my iMac and Photoshop Elements 11. I love the iMac because I can have a hundred - well maybe not a hundred - windows/programs/stuff open at the same time and it never crashes! And I love Photoshop Elements because it is inexpensive and it makes my photos look great. Well, they look great to me anyway.

Yesterday there was a substantial rain shower at our house. Rain showers almost never happen in Southern California so it was a reason to rejoice and to get out the Canon! With some help from PSE, some wonderful free actions from mcp actions  (  this is how my back yard looked while taking a shower.

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