Monday, July 29, 2013

San Diego Monday

After attending to some appointments in La Jolla, we headed for our favorite Italian restaurant in San Diego's Little Italy. Compared to New York City's Little Italy, this truly is little. However, the food is delicious and we always look forward to our visits to San Diego's Filippi's. When you walk in the front door you are greeted by wonderful smells and the disturbing wooden crate of baccala. Dried, salted codfish has never been on my menu. After traveling through the deli/grocery area you are greeted by a view of the kitchen, pizza ovens and busy workers moving in all directions. And of course red checked table cloths and Chianti bottles in baskets hanging from the ceiling. After lunch it was back on the road and headed for home. But there is a certain amount of satisfaction in knowing there are leftovers for tomorrow!

Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Mural in Little Italy

Shrimp Filippi's - Yum
Shells and a meatball

Tomorrow's Dinnner

All photo's taken with my iPod.....not great but pretty amazing that these came out of such a little rectangle!

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