Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Ronald Reagan Library

 On Thursday, September 12, we hit the freeways and headed to the Ronald Reagan Library in famous Simi Valley, California. They chose an absolutely beautiful spot for this library. It sits on top of one of the rolling hills and has wonderful view of the valley below. Our mission was the Lincoln Exhibit that is closing at the end of September. In order to get to see Lincoln we had to go through the entire library. It's a pretty interesting library, so it wasn't much of a hardship. And it brought back lots of memories of when my boys were still boys and not men. I remember dropping Dan at Little League practice on the day that Reagan was shot. 

When we finally made our way to the Lincoln exhibit we decided it was well worth it. Unfortunately, I left my glasses in the car (parked a long way from the building) and only had my sun glasses. And although they are prescription I found it very difficult to read anything in this exhibit. The lighting was dark to begin with, add some sun glasses and it's almost impossible. Taking any sort of photo was also difficult in such a dark environment. I am now very careful to remember to check for the right glasses!

I liked the title of this exhibit

The young Lincoln

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scrapbook Pages

I'm not a genuine scrapbook person. I just like to put together pages of special places we've been or special people I adore or earth shattering events such as my grandchildren performing their drama camp presentation of A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was a wonderful production and will always be one of my special memories of them. All of my scrap book pages are produced digitally using Photoshop Elements on my iMac and all the free papers, fonts, and embellishments that I have collected from the many blogs that are floating out there. It's amazing how many talented people offer their stuff for free. The generosity is really something to think about.

The other part of making scrapbook pages digitally is that there is no mess. No glue, no scissors that I can never find, no having to print the photo three times because I can't measure correctly, and if I want to switch things around it's just "click and drag." Great fun!

And every time I turn the pages of one book or another wonderful (mostly) memories come flooding back to remind me of just how great life can be and what fun I've had along the way. Making the pages and then revisiting them from time to time is one of my favorite things.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Visit to Shoreline

 I just returned (well, about a week ago) from a wonderful visit with my son, daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren in Shoreline, WA. Shoreline is a suburb north of Seattle. The kids completed their two week drama camp on Friday with two productions of William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, a 1950's Rock and Roll version by Arne Zaslove. The kids in this production ranged in age from 11 to 15 and they did a marvelous job of learning their Shakespeare lines and all the '50s songs in nine days of camp (Friday was rehearsal day in the morning and matinee at 3) and one weekend. Madison played the part of the Fairy Queen and Jack played the part of Lysander. I was so impressed by each one of these kids. We watched the dress rehearsal at 1:00, the matinee at 3:00 and the evening performance at 7:00. To tell the truth I would have gone back the next day to watch it all again. I may be a little biased but they really were great.

On Tuesday we loaded the car with food, kids, dog and ourselves and headed for the Cascade Mountains for 5 days. We stayed in a beautiful log home with views of Cle Elum Lake and surrounded huge evergreens as they are grown in the Northwest. It was a great time with lots of laughs, hugs and good food!

Titania - Fairy Queen

Cle Elum Lake

On the first evening walk we noticed this fire burning far across the valley

The flowers that had gone to seed were as beautiful as when they were in bloom

This beautiful display of petunias was on display in Roslyn, Washington.
I don't know what they do to Petunias in this area but they were amazing.

And at the end of each day was a beautiful sunset to admire.

This is Alice. Alice loves her family and everyone else she meets. She did
not, however, enjoy her vacation at the top of the mountain. When we
started to load the car to go home, Alice sat down near the trunk of my
son's car and would not move. All she wanted was to go home!