Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Ronald Reagan Library

 On Thursday, September 12, we hit the freeways and headed to the Ronald Reagan Library in famous Simi Valley, California. They chose an absolutely beautiful spot for this library. It sits on top of one of the rolling hills and has wonderful view of the valley below. Our mission was the Lincoln Exhibit that is closing at the end of September. In order to get to see Lincoln we had to go through the entire library. It's a pretty interesting library, so it wasn't much of a hardship. And it brought back lots of memories of when my boys were still boys and not men. I remember dropping Dan at Little League practice on the day that Reagan was shot. 

When we finally made our way to the Lincoln exhibit we decided it was well worth it. Unfortunately, I left my glasses in the car (parked a long way from the building) and only had my sun glasses. And although they are prescription I found it very difficult to read anything in this exhibit. The lighting was dark to begin with, add some sun glasses and it's almost impossible. Taking any sort of photo was also difficult in such a dark environment. I am now very careful to remember to check for the right glasses!

I liked the title of this exhibit

The young Lincoln

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